Tuesday, April 17, 2007


this is just to than that wonderful organization, the National Rifle Association, for another thrilling chapter in the continuing saga of murder and mayhem in the good ole usofa.

i actually bought a copy of our Anderson Herald Bulletin today because the headline caught my eye. the fact that it was over an inch high in bold print had little to do with it, i guess. but the words sure did the trick if the size of the type didn't. 'gunman kills 32, then himself ' was over a picture of parents hugging their children after reaching the Virginia campus following the killing spree of an individual (or maybe two) killed thirty-two kids and/or teachers before at least one of the killers finally turned his gun on himself.

there were no numbers released on how many people were wounded. and college students around the country will be looking over their shoulders and jumping at shadows for who knows how long.

all so a bunch of shooters what to protect their right to own and use fire arms of every size and description.

and they spend tons of money in dodge--make that Washington, DC, and state legislation's across the country keeping guns readily available to whoever wants to buy them for whatever reason they may have us own killing machines like the ones used in Virginia Monday.

perhaps the NRA could send some of the money, earmarked to purchase new laws and protect the existing laws allowing the purchase of whatever firearm they want. to pay for the funerals now being arranged by 32 families. then more of this money could be used to pay for the medical bills of the wounded people from Monday's shooting. then more money could be to pay for the counseling of those who will need help putting their lives back together after this heinous shooting spree Monday morning.

when will we be able to elect representatives who will be able to ignore the money from the NRA, and finally enact legislation banning all firearms for anyone other than police and the military.

who knows, the time may come, perhaps in a hundred years, when the police won't need to carry weapons, and the military will be the only armed force in the land.

i won't happen over night...the disarming of America. but with determination and perseverance, it will eventually happen.

we just need to elect people to help make it happen.