Sunday, April 22, 2007


now, thanks to the NRA, another shooting has happened. this time in Texas.

poor NASA certainly has had some bad press lately. but a disgruntled worker at NASA shot and killed his supervisor over a bad work performance review. seems he walked in the door with a gun in his hand (?) and went to his former supervisor's office.

first off, i wonder why no one stopped this guy at the door. course, if he had been prevented from purchasing a weapon legally, maybe he would have used something a little less lethal, like a club or whatever. but he had a gun...and used it repeatedly on the man who died trying to lock the door to his office before being fatally shot.

and i wonder if that old wives tail that says bad things happen i threes means we'll have at least one more gun death like this before summer gets here.

and when its summertime, with hot weather making already angry people, the gun deaths will only get worse, right? sigh

people, i am so tired of guns everywhere.

now, there have been a few times in my 58 years of life that, had i had access to some form of weaponry, i'd be creating this post from prison. but basically, i don't like guns. they are noisy and cold things that do no more than cause pain and death.

there is no good reason, as i have said before, for anyone owning a rifle or a hand gun, unless they are in the military, or on a law enforcement payroll.

and, in England, if you are caught with a weapon, you go to prison.

seems to have worked out pretty well there.

a friend of mine was married to a man who hunted each deer season to help put food on his table. but he used a bow and arrows. he said it gave everyone an even shot at survival, as he was only a fair shot with the bow and arrow, and deer are pretty fast, once they get moving. but he still managed to fill his freezer at least once each season with enough meat to feed his family.

not a bad alternative, in the long run.

and if that shooter in Texas had walked around town with a bow and arrow in his hand, maybe someone would have asked the important question---'whaca doing?'. any answer other than hunting for dinner maybe would have prevented another tragedy.