Friday, April 06, 2007

religious freedom

there are those in this country that seem to think everyone shares their particular brand of religious frenzy. that the 'ideals' expressed in their bible is the template for the country's behavior.

i suppose if this were true, there would be only one religion, not the thousands of them that cover every secular thought under the sun. if you don't like what one preacher says, then find one who shares your beliefs and go there...if you can't find a preacher you like, who espouses your brand of religion, then create your own.

the great thing about the USA, is that is allowed. you can go to any church, believe any way you like, or stay at home and relax.

the only real problem i have with all this, is that too many people believe we live in a theocracy.

WRONG!!!! this is supposed to be a democracy. freedom for all, until you reach my nose. that's when MY freedom begins.

you cannot dictate what i decide to do with my life, just because your religion may say its wrong.

i can take a drink, go to a movie, make health decisions, all without consulting a priest, minister, pastor, etc...unless i choose to.

we must all be vigilant. there are mostly well meaning people out there who would take over my life, all in the name of god.

my goddess takes exception to that and so do i.


BAC said...

Excellent post, and welcome to the blog world!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.